Honest Review of Ventana Campground – Big Sur Camping Resort

Chippewa Valley is the best place to visit on a vacation and meet nature in the whole USA. Many people were confused about the time they needed to see, so the best time to visit here is September to November because at that time there are few visitors and you can explore the coast and mountains more easily.

The best resort here is the Ventana Big Sur. It is one of the luxurious resorts in Chippewa, and they offer you many breathtaking and adventurous experiences. There are many camping spots in the Ventana Big Sur like Ventana Campground, Riverside Campgrounds, and Big Sur Coast campgrounds. There are many more camping sites here that we’ll explain below:

Ventana Campground Review – Best Campground in Big Sur

If you are a traveler, then you might have heard about Ventana’s campground. It is one of my favorite destinations, and it is top of my bucket list. I have to visit this place in 2022. When you plan to visit someplace, you need to research it costly and look at what things are there to explore.

Ventana Campground Review - Best Campground in Big Sur

One of the most adventurous things you can do here is camping, and there are great sites where you can camp in this area and have one-to-one conversations with the beautiful nature. I will tell you the best places to camp if you are visiting the Ventana Big Sur.

Kirk Creek

It is one of the best places to camp in the whole Ventana Campground because of its beautiful reviews. If you want to enjoy the views of the Pacific Ocean on the 100-foot bluff, then this place is for you, and you will enjoy it here a lot. This camping site is located on a great rocky beach.

You can reach the camping site after the hike of most epic views, and there are many more short trails for hiking or mountain biking. Mountain biking is another thing because of which many people come here.

When you are on a picnic, you don’t need to get the tent or campfire ring and grill provided by the resort, so you don’t have to hike with a great weight on your back.

Limekiln State Park Campground

This is another excellent place for the vacations to take a break from the irritating voices of the city to the melodious voices of the birds in the Limekiln canyon. You can get there by hiking trails. There is also a tiny beach at the bottom of the Limekiln canyon.

Limekiln State Park Campground

You don’t need to carry the tables and stoves and these kinds of things because the resort provides these things on all their camping sites. If you want to do a van or tent camping, this is the best place.

Plaskett Creek

Sand Dollar beach is one of the most popular and attractive beaches in central California and the Plaskett Creek campground is very close to this beach. You would find one thing on every camping site here, and that is the hiking trailers.

When you are in Plaskett Creek, you will feel some special kind of natural fragrance because of the Monterey Pine and Cypress trees and Cedar trees in good amount here. You can come here with your friends or with your family.

The resort gives you a table and campfire ring with a grill, Flush toilets, sinks, and drinking water on all camping sites here.

Ventana Camping place

You can say that this is one of the most luxurious sites among all other sites because it has more facilities than the other places. This place has restrooms, picnic tables, elegant and clean restrooms, and a store to buy the firewood.

Ventana Camping place

If you are not feeling right and don’t want to cook, you can go to the resort to eat and drink whatever you want. This place is luxurious, that is why it is more expensive than the other. It will cost you $85 per night, which is costly as compared to the other places for camping.

Riverside camping sites

It is another excellent costly camping site that allows you to camp along the Big Sur River and enjoy the noise of water flowing at its speed. The views and peace from there would be very epic, and nobody wants to miss it. This place is open for both RV and tent campers.

This camping site is a bit more expensive than the others, and it charges $75 per night, which is less than the Ventana, and they have more facilities like they have their grocery store with on-camp delivery, laundry, and some other perks.

There are some cabins here in which you can live if you want to and if you don’t want to cook, then no problem choose the best restaurant nearby and go for dinner or lunch.

Big Sur Camping sites

Big Sur Camping sites

These are one of the best camping sites in the Big Sur. It is also a luxurious camping site in this valley. You got many cabins and tenting options here, but the prices are also exceptionally high as expected. They charge around $65 to $80 per night’s stay here.

They also have two volleyball and basketball courts in which you can play, and there are also many fun activities like you can swim in the river or playing on the fishing line.

Julia Pfeiffer Burns Camping Site

It is y famous camping place because of the breathtaking ocean views and its closeness to the most renowned water of central California, McWay Falls. You can consider this place with the most iconic views but at the most budget price. You have to pay $30 per night to stay here.

You can’t get here in any vehicle, so you can say that RV campers can’t access this place because you have to hike down to reach the camping destination. There are picnic tables and a fire pit but don’t have garbage bins so, don’t dirty that place. You need to take the trash back with you.

Pfeiffer Big Sur State

Pfeiffer Big Sur State

It is also a very famous, iconic, and busy camping site. RV campers are allowed at some specific places, and in other areas, only the tent campers are allowed. It comes in a very mid-range campsite because you have to pay from $30 to $50 per night here.

There are plenty of hiking trails here, as expected, and you can also visit the McWay waterfalls, which are some minutes away from this site. There are some restrooms here that mean you can bathe in hot water.

One tip that we want to give you is that it is a very famous place so, whenever you are planning to visit your place first and then come here because otherwise, you won’t be able to camp here.

Ventana Big Sur Camping Review

Ventana Campgrounds are one of the finest places in the Big Sur where you need to camp. They are a bit more expensive than the other state parks, but they provide some high-quality, luxurious features while camping.

When you are camping in Ventana, you don’t need to cook by yourself because you can enjoy your meal at some distance in the resort and have some drinks. The customer service and staff both are helpful and friendly.

They have very clean restrooms for their customers to take a shower in hot water. All the camping sites are very clean. All the reviews of the people that I have read and others that visit this everybody appreciated the cleanliness of their restrooms and camping sites.

The last thing that wants to touch is that it is a bit more expensive than most of the state-owned parks where you can camp. In Ventana, you have to pay $85 per night, while in the state park, you need to pay $35, but with this extra $50, you are getting a clean place and some other good facilities so, in my view, it is worth its price.

Ventana Big Sur Camping Review

Tips to Visit Here

If you are planning to visit here, then there are some essential tips that I want to share with you so you won’t get into trouble. So, follow these tips:

Overcrowded Place

The first thing is it is a very popular place for camping so, if you want to explore it don’t visit this place at the peak of the season because every campsite would be full or if you want to visit in the peak season then book your site before and then plan a visit.


If you are a filmmaker or videographer, this is for you because, in most camping sites, drones are not allowed to fly, so ask your site manager if the place where you are staying flying drones are allowed or not.

Camping on Roadside

You should know that roadside camping on the Big Sur is strictly prohibited, and if someone is caught doing it, he will bear the consequences.

Free Camping

A few years back, you can camp anywhere you want; unfortunately, that is not possible in most places now, but if you are a warrior and can spend some time in remote areas, you can do camping free.

McWay Falls

It was shocking for me that you can’t access the McWay falls from the camping sites; it is prohibited.

Migrating Gray Whales

If you are visiting the Big Sur camping sites from December to May, then there are many chances that you might spot the grey whales migrating to the chilly Arctic seas.

California Condor

Do you know about the California Condor? Which is the largest land bird of North America, but these species were endangered, and only 22 were left on the earth and but now they are being saved, and you can see them frequently in the Big Sur area.

Best Time to Visit

It is the most common question that people ask about which time is best to visit the Big Sur. The answer to this question is that the peak season is from April and October and at this time places are very crowded and noisy so, if you want to enjoy nature and its calmness then try to go after October.

I know that this is the wintertime, but there would be fewer people, and you can explore the place more at this time. The other thing is that when you go off-season, you might save free bucks for your next trip because the prices would below are high in the season.

So, according to us, the best time to visit the Big Sur is the winter which starts from September to march.

Good & Bad Things about Ventana Big Sur

It is one of the best resorts in California with many great views and services; let’s see what the good and bad things about this resort are below:

Good & Bad Things about Ventana Big Sur

Good Things


It will be an injustice with the resort if we don’t appreciate the rooms then we would say that it is the most beautiful rooms that I have ever seen and especially the views from the outside were making them more and more attractive.

The room has everything that a couple would need TV, fridge and a very comfortable bed. There were two chairs in front of the window so you can sit and have a coffee here while enjoying nature’s view.


The resort and all the camping places are very clean and clear. I have read many reviews, but I thought they are wrong; how can someone clean the camping site but after visiting here one time now I am convinced and would say that the work of their staff is highly appreciable how they clean everything several times in a day.


There are two pools in the resort; the first one is near the resort entrance while the other is behind, called the hot bath pool. The front one is L-shaped and has views of mountains. But the bathtub tub is my favorite one because that has breathtaking views, but unfortunately, due to Covid-19, it was not open.

Meal with Views

There are restaurants in the resort to get your meal delivered to your room, but we recommend you go to the restaurants because you won’t believe how many views you would have in your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But one tip is to come early for every meal because otherwise the prime view tables are taken.


The Big Sur is very famous because of its hikes and camping places so, that is why this resort has some very good camping places which are not far away from the resort so, you can camp there and enjoy the breathtaking views and come back to the resort for your meals.

Bad Things


It is a very luxurious resort with all the premium features so, we can say that the prices are worth it, but the rooms are now costly after the pandemic. Before the pandemic, the rates were $1000 per night, but now the rates of rooms skyrocketed and reached more than $2000 per night.

No mobile Service

The resort is located in the mountains so; the one bad thing is your mobiles won’t catch signals there so, this is a big issue in this resort.


Covid-19 is a global virus, and the whole world is affected by it so, it also affects this resort. Some immunities are not open due to the pandemic, like the spa, hot tub, gym, and Japanese baths so, you should contact the resort and ask which services are open at the time of your visit.

What do People think and say about Vantana Big Sur Campground?

What People think and say about Vantana Big Sur Campground

Ventana Big Sur is a very breathtaking place with iconic views. Most of the people I talk to or read reviews talked about the cliche things that the rooms were great, the customer service was great, and everything was very clean, but I read two different reviews so, I want to tell you what was that people are saying.

The first review that I found interesting from the man staying in the resort with his family complaining that there was no peace at night because a big generator was running all night, probably for the electricity supply, but the noise was very irritating and loud.

The other review was about the food; this was from a couple that was spending their vacation in the resort, and they prefer to eat in their room, but one day they came to the restaurant for a meal, and they were amazed by the view that they do all their left meals in the restaurant of the resort.

These were all the things that people are saying, and the staff is very well educated, and they know how to satisfy their customers and the if you are planning your trip you would enjoy it. So, make this thing compulsory that you would enjoy some days of your life in this resort.

What Things you should Pack for Ventana Campground?

When you are going on camping many things are very important, and you should take them with you, but we know that you might be a first-timer or a person who forgets to take something so, this time we’ll mention some important things with them on your diary and take them with you.


The first thing that you would need for the camping is the tent in which you will sleep so you should find a tent that would be comfortable and very lightweight. It should also be very durable because you don’t know where you need to place it.


The second thing that you would need in the camping is a good flashlight because at night everything is dark; in redwood trees, there might be anything waiting for you in the dark, so it would help you see clearly.

Sleeping Bag

The ground of the mountains is not soft like your bed, so you need to take your sleeping bag with you otherwise you won’t sleep the whole night, and it could ruin your trip. That is why a good and comfortable sleeping bag is very important for camping.


In camping, you need have to gather the sticks and then fire them to cook something or for barbeque so that is why lighter made the things easy for you otherwise you can try to fire the sticks with stones too like our ancestors.

Cooking Gear

If cooking is something you want to do camping, you need to carry the cooking gear; otherwise, you need to buy them from the shops near camping sites, and that might charge higher prices.

Power Bank and chargers

When you are in the middle of a mountain camping there is no electricity so; you should take your charger and power banks with you according to the days you are planning to stay.

Pocket knife

The pocket knife is a must thing while camping because there are many occasions you would need the pocket knife like for cutting sticks or cooking food and some other things so, don’t forget to take the pocket knife with you.

Mask and Hand Sanitizer

It was not compulsory before but after the global pandemic now wherever you are traveling, you should have two things: mask and hand sanitizers. When you are planning camping, this is also a very important thing to take with you to sanitize your hands frequently.


48123 CA-1, Big Sur, CA 93920, United States


The Ventana Big Sur camping highlights are the breathtaking and iconic views and their luxurious premium levels services. These things attract you to visit this place.

The Ventana Big Sur resort is open but with the government travel restrictions for the covid-19 so, if you are planning to visit here, make sure to follow the Covid-19 rules. If you want to know more about the resort, you can check their website or directly contact them via their customer support number.

Ventana Campground – FAQs

How much does the Ventana campground cost?
The Ventana campgrounds are far expensive than some other campgrounds in the Big Sur because of their high-quality premium services. The cost for one night in the Ventana campground would be $85, and on the other campgrounds, it would be only$35 per night. But they have very clean restrooms for their customers.
Are kids allowed at Ventana campground?
Yes, the kids are allowed in the campground but not allowed to sleep alone so, when you take them with you, then take care of them and sleep with them. So, if you are a couple and want to pass your time with each other, don’t take kids with you.
How many rooms does Ventana Big Sur have?
The Ventana is a very big property located on the 160-acre of land; this property has 59 luxurious rooms that give you tremendous outside views of the mountains, and you won’t feel that if you are in the campground or rooms.
How much is a wedding at Ventana Big Sur?
It depends on many things like what space you want for your wedding or the duration of your event, at which time of year your event will occur; these all things can increase or decrease the cost of your wedding. But if you want an estimate, then your wedding can cost around $6000 to $500000.
Is there WiFi at Ventana campground?
If you are planning to do camping, then you won’t have access to the wifi, but if you are staying in the resort, then you can have wifi access, and you can watch movies, Netflix, or many more things from youtube or any other platform and enjoy your vacations in this resort.

Final Verdict

The Ventana Big Sur campgrounds review is one of the most beautiful places to see in North America. These have very clean camping sites and very clean restrooms near your camping sites, so you don’t have to walk long to use the restrooms.

If you don’t want to cook, you can do your meal in the resort, which is some minutes away from the camping grounds. But one thing is for sure you will enjoy the iconic views of the mountains and enjoy the talk with yourself in a peaceful and loving environment of nature.

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