Posts Tagged ‘beautiful’

Setenil de las Bodegas - City In The Rock

Setenil de las Bodegas in Spain is small place a hundred kilometers away from Cadiz and is specific in that it is whole made under the rock. Specifically, small houses are fully integrated with the rock so that the roofs practically from the stone. Travel photos you make here will delight all your Friends. Setenil [...]

Caribbean Sapphire

Aruba is a small island country which is located 30 km from Venezuela. During the first encounter with this travel destination you will feel the wind carries the sound of music from the coast, washed by the warm Caribbean waters. Watching the sun set in the warm tropical nights while you are intoxicated by the [...]

Welcome to the Island of Spring

Tenerife is an ideal combination of sun, sand, nature and the rest who made this travel destination one of the most popular resorts in Europe. With its 269 kilometers of coastline offers so many places to enjoy the sand and sun. In the north, where the landscape is made of cliffs you will find a [...]

Cave That Will Impress You

The Reed Flute Cave is located near the city of Guilin and southern China. This cave is 180 million years old. Inside, there are more than 70 inscriptions written in ink, some of which date back to 729, which reveal her popularity in ancient times. Discovered in 1940. by refugees and has since been a [...]

City Principality

Officially, the Principality of Monaco has no capital, but informally, the capital is Monte Carlo, which is much more than just a city. It is located on a huge rock that seems to be ripped from the alpine peak and plunged into the heart of the Mediterranean. At about two square kilometers inhabited 32,000 residents. This [...]

Sharm El Sheikh - Egyptian sensation

Sharm El Sheikh is Egypt’s best known and the most exclusive summer resort. The decoration is the Red Sea, in the extreme south of the Sinai Peninsula. Excellent geographical location, stunning natural surroundings and pleasant climate have made it eventually grows into one of the most beautiful and most popular resorts in this part of [...]

Sucre - Beautiful Place in Bolivia

A city with four names, Sucre, Charcas, La Plata and Ciudad Blanca, in the 16th century are founded by the Spanish colonizers. Today, the Sucre, one of the most ces in Bolivia. This travel destination is a real window through time in which you can see the way of life of of Spanish aristocracy of [...]

Las Cavernas de Marmol - Fascinating Play of Light

Some call it the most beautiful cave in the world. Buenos Aires or General Carrera Lake is located in Patagonia, and divides Argentina and Chile. This travel destination can be placed into exotik travel because the color of the marble rocks make you feel magical and special. The lake has an area of 1,850 square [...]

Hoi An - Vietnam tourist treasure

Once a sleepy old fishing village has become a travel destination and a real tourist attraction! On the shore of the South China Sea lies the town of Hoi An. Of 17 to 19 century, this place was an important international port and the largest port in South Asia. The port is part of an [...]

Her Majesty - Nature

Not even in his wildest dreams, man could not think of anything more beautiful than nature. (Lamarten) Located in the Liaohe River delta in northeast China, about 30 km from the city of Panjin, Red Beach is a protected reserve that attracts a lot of attention in the early fall when the grass is completely [...]

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