Posts Tagged ‘Travel Destination’

Where is Estonia ?

The Republic of Estonia is the northernmost of the three small Baltic republics, situated on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea. In the south, it borders with Latvia, on the east by Russia, to the north, across the Gulf of Finland, with Finland. Country in 1991, after half a century of Soviet rule on [...]

Wondrous Chocolate Hills

Chocolate Hills are the most famous tourist attraction on the island of Bohol. Its looks like a giant molehills, and the strangest thing is that it is actually a natural phenomenon. Many wonder how this miracle of nature occurred. Residents of the islands attract tourists to the tradition of the origin of Chocolate hills, and [...]

Disneyland - Land of Dreams

Back in the 1955. Los Angeles has become richer for “small” empire childrens pleasures - Disneyland. Welch’s appearance in no way be compared with those of today, but still caused an unbelievable attention to both youngsters and adults who are deep in their hearts feel like princes and princesses. Those who have visited riverlet you [...]

Florence - Renaissance city

Florence is a city in central Italy on the River Arno and the capital of the province of Florence and Tuscany with 366,488 inhabitants. Because of their cultural and artistic significance Florence called “Italian Athens”. The Romans founded a small fort in the first century BC and named Florentia (flower). Soon, the city has grown [...]

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