Where The Sky Kisses The Earth

Salar de Uyuni the largest salt lake drained in the world is a paradise on earth. Here, heaven and earth become one and create enchanting breathtaking scenery.

Salar de Uyuni, plains in southwest Bolivia, situated at an altitude of 3656 meters is one of the most exotic scenery on earth. Roughly 40,000 years ago this area was the only part of a giant, prehistoric Lake Minchin. When the lake dried up, he left behind two modern lakes Uru Uru and Poopo, and two major salt deserts, Salar de Coipasa and even larger Uyuni.

Salar de Uyuni is almost 25 times larger than the famous Bonneville salt desert in the United States. In the middle of this lake there are several islands that are actually long-extinct volcano peaks. It is estimated that the Salar de Uyuni contains about 10 billion tons of salt of which annually collects less than 25 thousand tons of salt and some salty crust below a depth of 2 to 20 meters contains up to 70% of the world’s supply of lithium. The Bolivian salt contains high concentrations of sodium, lithium, potassium, and magnesium, but the attention of world powers causes the most amount of lithium. Bolivia has 35 percent of the world’s lithium resources in the coming years this fact Bolivia, one of the poorest countries in South America, could turn into one of the richest countries.

During the rainy season when the water surface is covered with plain turns into the biggest and most spectacular mirror. Your trvel photos will look as if you are walking in the sky. This will certainly be the best photos you have in your collection.

This area is very popular with tourists who want to experience something different. Visitors can enjoy the delightful walks and for only $ 15 a day you can be placed in one of the local families. Their homes have no electricity or running water or even a bathroom but breathtaking landscapes will make it up.

Tourists can participate in the traditional activities of the local population, such as a haircut lama in August or join caravans related blocks of salt to remote villages in exchange for food and other goods.

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