Posts Tagged ‘Africa’

Holiday Throughout Whole Year

Is not a coincidence that Mauritius carries the title of paradise on earth. Apart from the beautiful white sandy beaches and luxury hotels, visitors will, in this travel destination, enjoy a rich cultural, religious and social heritage created during the colonial past of this tropical island located in the Indian Ocean. It is located about [...]

Sousse - Memorable Destination

Ancient Phoenician city named Hadrumet, and today bears the name “Pearl of the Sahel” region of olive groves. The third largest city in Tunisia and famous tourist center. Sousse is located 140 km south of Tunis. Sousse is the administrative center, the main fishing port, weaving center, a major producer of olive oil. What characterizes [...]

ZANZIBAR - African jewel of the Indian Ocean

Tanzania is undoubtedly the most interesting country in Africa, when it comes to tourism, not only because it is located on a plateau lake, but also because of the tropical forest, safari and outlets to the Indian Ocean. It is the perfect place for anyone who loves exotic travel. The translation of the word Zanzibar [...]

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