Posts Tagged ‘Natural’

Cave That Will Impress You

The Reed Flute Cave is located near the city of Guilin and southern China. This cave is 180 million years old. Inside, there are more than 70 inscriptions written in ink, some of which date back to 729, which reveal her popularity in ancient times. Discovered in 1940. by refugees and has since been a [...]

Melodic Cave

Fingal’s Cave in Scotland gives the impression as if it was built by human hands. Fingal’s Cave is a sea cave discovered in 1772 on the uninhabited island of Staffa. Perfect hexagonal columns were formed many years ago when the hot lava cooled created these unusual forms. A similar phenomenon exists in another travel destination [...]

Wondrous Chocolate Hills

Chocolate Hills are the most famous tourist attraction on the island of Bohol. Its looks like a giant molehills, and the strangest thing is that it is actually a natural phenomenon. Many wonder how this miracle of nature occurred. Residents of the islands attract tourists to the tradition of the origin of Chocolate hills, and [...]

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