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Unique and Exotic Hotel in Chile

When you deciding where to spend your holidays usually it comes down to escape from everyday life and city noise. People usually look for unusual travel destinations and faraway places with the desire to see and experience something new and something unusual.


This time we want to introduce you to a very unusual and authentic hotel located in Chile. La Montana Magica is located in Huila Huilo, a private nature reserve in the Los Rios region of Chile. This is one of the most exotic hotels in the world, and its uniqueness is that it is designed to look like a volcano from which the water falls from the top. The hotel is covered with thick moss, and at first sight you may think you are in a fairy tale, and that it was built by fairies, hobbits, or other mythical creatures. However, the hotel was built by local craftsmen from the surrounding community, and very quickly became a place visited by many tourists from across the world.

This unique hotel has 13 rooms which are reached by a wooden suspension bridge. The interior is made of wood and furnished in an antique style. Exterior and interior of the hotel is definitely something that you have never seen before.

La Montana Magica is a strange and amazing travel destination at the same time. This hotel will give you an experience that you can experience only once in a lifetime and that will definitely make you forget for a little while on modern technology and enjoy the full enjoyment and relaxation.

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