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Is not a coincidence that Mauritius carries the title of paradise on earth. Apart from the beautiful white sandy beaches and luxury hotels, visitors will, in this travel destination, enjoy a rich cultural, religious and social heritage created during the colonial past of this tropical island located in the Indian Ocean.

It is located about 855 km east of Madagascar and 2,000 km from the east coast of Africa, with about 1.2 million inhabitants. The capital and largest city is Port Louis. This travel destination were discovered by the Portuguese back in the 1505. year, but this beautiful island was not inhabited until the mid 17. century. As the Dutch colony was settled by traders, farmers, their slaves, workers, artists… It was named after the Dutch Prince Maurice of Nasaua.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Mauritius became a French colony, and in the early 19th century, the British, but the French are still preserved institutions on the island, the French language is more widespread than English. People speak the Creole language as well. Around the island, as a necklace, there is a coral reef that protects it from high waves and sharks. So is swimming in the lagoon completely safe, unlike most other oceanic islands.

An incredible and highly unusual blend of Indian, African, French, British and Chinese influences overwhelmed by all of its visitors. Today it is one of the richest country in Africa with a population of 1.2 million with two official languages English and French. Summer in Mauritius runs from November to May, so for lovers of sun, beach and New Year’s Eve on the beach, this is a favorite exotic destination. But in winter the temperature ranges are from 27 to 30 degrees Celsius.

There is a large selection of hotels, neer two hundred and you will hardly be able to visit all on this wonderful travel destination. The most attractive part is the northwest, which has a favorable climate and the mountains that surround it, and because of the many hotels that are concentrated in this part of the island. One of the most exclusive hotel is the Royal Palm, where staying and Hollywood stars. Many beaches are not for swimming because they are overcrowded with black volcanic rocks. It certainly stands out most Trou aux Biches, where it is and hotel of the same name, where you will experience paradise scene, which adorns the finest white sand like flour, water turquoise green color, perfect clearness and such a temperature that does not want to get out of it before nightfall.

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