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Setenil de las Bodegas - City In The Rock

Setenil de las Bodegas in Spain is small place a hundred kilometers away from Cadiz and is specific in that it is whole made under the rock. Specifically, small houses are fully integrated with the rock so that the roofs practically from the stone. Travel photos you make here will delight all your Friends.

Setenil de las Bodegas has a lot to offer to its guests a wide selection of wines, world famous delicacies like chorizo and cerdo, plenty of attractions worth visiting, and challenging hiking trails. But, despite all those other treats, most people come here to enjoy the local sights, especially the cave-houses built into the rock. They are arranged like all other homes in the village, but they have a lot more charm, and they also retain the cool temperature inside, while ordinary houses are needed air conditioning.

Unusual rock formations ware create passages in which houses were built. Every street is different, and passersby came bursting overhead rock massifs. Those who are claustrophobic will not be feeling so comfortable when they walk in this delightful city. Those who love rock and nature will surely enjoy.

The narrow streets are a nightmare for drivers, but they are a real blessing for pedestrians who want to walking through the streets of this strange city and discover all its beauty. Some of the streets were completely covered with cliffs that offers visitors amazing views, and shelter from the hot sun.

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