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The Old Bridge With an Unusual Tradition

Old Bridge in Mostar was declared the twelfth most beautiful bridge in the world. The choice of a reputable international portal found himself in front of several world-famous bridges.

One of the most beautiful bridges of Ottoman impressive architecture, was built in 1566 by order of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. When built it was the largest arch structures in the world. The bridge is firmly stood 427 years until it was destroyed during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1993. It was restored after the war and reopened in 2004. Old Bridge over the Neretva River in 2005 became part of the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Because of its incredible and unusual tradition that dates back to its construction, the jump from the old bridge are a great tourist attraction by which the Mostar is famous in the world.

Old Bridge is the highest jump in the region, the jump from the highest point on the bridge, which is 30 yards (27 m). With his unusual appearance and tradition, the bridge lures sighs anyone that is around him. Until you get a chance to see it in its full glory, we will try to find pictures of the beauty of the bridge and the beautiful nature that surrounds him.

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