Romantic Fairytale

Residents of the Dominican Republic are classified as the most hospitable people in the Caribbean. The capital city is Santo Domingo and is under the protection of UNESCO because of its cultural heritage and specific architecture. The city was founded by the first Europeans in this part of the world.

The whole country can be divided into the Samana peninsula, on the north, south and east coast and upstate. Samana Peninsula of the most exotic travel destinations in the Dominican Republic. Endless exotic beach with coconut palms leaning over turquoise waters, give the impression of terrestrial fairy.

Santo Domingo was for centuries lived a turbulent history. It was founded in the 1496. the column by Bartholomew, Columbus’ brother. Here was first cathedral built in the New World, the first monastery, the university and the hospital. During the 17th life revolved around it attacked British and Spanish forces, and then fell under the domination of Haiti. Today it is a metropolis with 2.5 million inhabitants, with museums, rich night life, restaurants…

Small fishing villages and attract locals and tourists, and exclusive resorts suited for travelers with children and couples in love. Spicy food and relaxed lifestyle make to the Dominican Republic every year more and more visitors are coming.

Christopher Columbus discovering the new world and America was actually discovered by the present-day Dominican Republic. He found heaven on earth. The coastline is long and white sand, crystal blue sea color green, the fish that can be seen in several tens of meters, a bird of paradise.

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