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CRAZIEST HOTEL ROOM IN THE WORLD - How does it feel to wake up in it?

Hotel in Marseille in France is known for shocking his guests. This is a hotel for which can be said to be different from other accommodations, and something that is not seen in any other places. The hotel is called “Au Vieux Panier”, meaning “old basket ‘, and has a very special interior design, which can not be copied. The rooms are literally works of art and they all have different themes based on design and art work of artists around the world. Rooms that we would like to introduce to you is most shocking of all, designed by graffiti artist named Tilt. It is called “Panic Room.”

One half of the room is pure white, while the other is covered with shocking and colorful graffiti.

Tilt and his two friends have spent hours covering the one side of the room to their artistic style. Much time and effort was needed, that the line between the two sides is so sharp and clear.

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